Passing the Torch is a new spin-off podcast series under the Credit to the Girls umbrella. It profiles the young players of the AFL Women's competition who will be at the forefront of the league over the next 10 years. Episodes can be listened to via the traditional Credit to the Girls feed, wherever you get your podcasts.

A HOST of recruits means it will be a very different St Kilda who take to the field in the upcoming AFLW season.

Jesse Wardlaw, Jamie Lambert, Serene Watson and Nat Plane have all made the switch to the Saints, with young winger Molly McDonald particularly excited to be working with Collingwood's inaugural AFLW captain Steph Chiocci, who has played a similar role.

"That's the thing with football, you have people coming and going all the time, but I'm super excited to have on board the girls we picked up. They're so talented and experienced, and that's exactly what we need, just a little bit of experience," McDonald said.

"It'll be great having Steph on board with that leadership and driving us. We've got an awesome crew, great players all round the ground in mids, forwards and backs, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do this season.

"She's got such a great footy mind, and I'm super excited to be able to play with her and alongside her, and also work on some leadership skills, helping improve not just my game but everyone else's as well.

McDonald finished third in the Saints' best and fairest in season seven, crediting getting more games under her belt and working on her mindset in improving her form.

"It was more of a consistent season. I spoke to 'Dal' (coach Nick Dal Santo) at the start of the year and asked what I needed to do, because I was feeling a bit lost out on the field," she said.

"I did some work with Dal, a bit of work with our psychologist as well, Benny Robbins, he was really helpful with trying to keep my mind in the game. It's a big mental game, staying focused throughout the whole game.

"It was more so when I wasn't getting the ball, I was thinking, am I in the right spot, how can I get myself in a position to get the ball and help my team. I think that's where you lose your mind and concentration, and you're not playing football. It's been a big part of the St Kilda football club as a whole, getting our minds to be focused 100 per cent of the time.

"I try and get my teammates involved as much as I can, using my voice and directing other players into position to try and work my way back into the game."



1.02 – Off-season training at the Saints

2.30 – From rep basketball to footy in McDonald's mid-teens

5.30 – Being one of three initial AFLW signings at St Kilda

8.50 – The 50m penalty that cost a crucial first-season win

12.52 – McDonald's development over four seasons

16.09 – Finishing third in the best and fairest

21.05 – New fitness staff at St Kilda

22.10 – St Kilda's trade haul

24.02 – Work and study commitments

26.57 – Leadership with McDonald