A grant is where a sum of money is given by one organisation to another for a specific purpose.

These purposes could include:

  • Volunteer education and support
  • Team uniforms and equipment
  • Travel for competitions
  • Facility Improvement
  • Participation initiatives

The goal is to provide a benefit to the community in some form. This is important to remember when writing your application as grant programs are wanting to see how the money/project will positively impact the community – not necessarily how you will spend the money. Some examples of the impacts could include:

  • Volunteer education leading to increased volunteer support and engagement which helps ensure sustainable sporting environments
  • Reduction of registration fees will remove barrier to participation for minority groups
  • Facility development means more people can get involved in the sport and provide a community hub for the youth within the community

It helps to think about the broader benefits and potential long-term impact of the project. The more people who will benefit from the grant the better.