Please see below Return to Community Footballl frequently asked questions and answers. Please contact the relevant state / territory contact for more information.
My State Government has still banned travel interstate? What does this mean if we are meant to play a team across the border?
The ability to play an interstate team is subject to the restrictions imposed by your State/Territory Government. If border restrictions are still in place, then travel over the border cannot occur. Your League will be working with your Club/Team to recommend alternative competition schedules and models to cater for these restrictions.
Are we allowed to have crowds at our games?
We are still working with State/Territory Governments to understand the policy around crowds and crowd control and we will not be in a position to formally understand this until we transition to Stage 3. Each State and Territory will have different restrictions in place so it is essential you remain up to date with the latest protocols in your location. We will provide more information on this when a decision on competition crowds becomes available.
How do we stop people coming to watch if our ground doesn’t have gates/security?
We are still working with the Government to understand crowd control and restrictions, and we hope to be able to provide more information on this before moving to Stage 3.
Given our season has been delayed are we going to extend into October for competitions?
Season start and end dates for your competition will be determined by your League and is dependent on each State or Territory Government making the decision to move to the level which permits competition.
Cricket Australia and the AFL are also recommending that all Football and Cricket State bodies and local Leagues and Associations, work towards Australian Football being played two weeks longer than the traditional home and away season end, with football finals to then be scheduled for up until another two weeks.