As the shortest month of the year draws to a close, time is running out for you to lend your support to the West Coast Eagles and their involvement in FebFast.

A new charity, FebFast raises funds to assist Australian’s youth alcohol and other drugs services sector and the West Coast Eagles, along with three other AFL clubs, have committed to taking a break from alcohol consumption for a month in a bid to raise funds to help services that support young people with substance abuse problems. 

Star West Coast forward Ashley Hansen said FebFast was an important new initiative in the fight against youth substance abuse. 

"It’s a growing problem in society and we’re seeing the repercussions of these lifestyle choices through violence and other issues,” Hansen said. 

"We thought this was a great opportunity to promote the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle and creating an awareness of the importance of moderation, as well as ensuring that our preparation for the upcoming season is spot on.” 

The cause has received overwhelming support from the West Coast player group with 27 players signing up, in comparison to 17 from Hawthorn, six from Melbourne and four from Brisbane. 

“I think we’ve got a really young, motivated group who are switched on to the responsibilities that they have while being a player and who also want to get the best out of themselves both on and off the field,” Hansen explained. 

“It is a really good sign for our future that so many of our guys have jumped on board and supported it when they didn’t have to. I think it’s really exciting for both our football future and off-field culture moving forward.” 

To sponsor your favourite player, please click here, or visit the FebFast website to find out more.