There’s a storm brewing at Arden Street. The dark clouds have been gathering and the thunder has been heard in the distance. Soon, the heavy rain will arrive and the lightning will strike and it’s all because of two men.

In Utah Daniel Pratt and Majak Daw stood toe to toe in what was later described as the ‘clash of the titans’. Far from just a mere wrestling match, the combatants put their bodies on the line in order to gain pride and respect from the 30 odd teammates and staff cheering them on.

Watch the video of the first bout

The first bout was a boil-over as Daw rag-dolled Pratt around the room, but while the battle was lost, the war was only just beginning. Bout two is expected to be fought in the week leading up to Christmas.

“Majak will find a knuckle sandwich from me under the tree,” Pratt told

“It was a disgrace that first fight. It was clearly rigged and there was a late betting plunge on Maj.”

Not one to take a loss very well, Pratt went on to target the match referee and player development coach Jon Haines.

“He was clearly on the take and is susceptible to a bribe there is no doubt about that. I thought a wrestling match ended with a tap-out or knockout…neither of those occurred. Plus, Maj used an illegal move or two which was also not seen by Hainsey, and if you look back at the video, I slipped on a wet patch on the floor right at a crucial moment which swayed the momentum Maj’s way.”

But Pratt didn’t stop there, accusing Daw of picking easy prey.

“He’s come at me a hundred miles an hour knowing that I had just had a hip operation. Now he’s claiming that he’s ready for the big league or even WWE and has named himself ‘The Big Show’. I’ll tell you now, he is in for an almighty shock.

“I will be closing the ‘Daw’ on this one, that’s a promise.” has struck a deal to be the exclusive broadcast rights holder for the much anticipated rematch which Pratt has aptly titled ‘Redemption’.