Plenty of email this week as we prepare to head to Perth. This weekend's game is another challenge and another opportunity for us to take a step forward when we play the Eagles. We have played well away from Victoria but what we want is to play well and win.

Let's go to the questions...

This is a pretty ridiculous question but I thought I'd just ask anyway and see what happens!! I have a friend from Shepparton and he is always going on about a cola drink they have there called 'Mr. D'. I was wondering if you, or any of the other players from Shepparton had ever drunk it? – Prue

SK: Certainly have, especially when I was growing up. Mr. D is a bigtime drink in Shepp. If you aks Shannon Byrnes and Kane Tenace I'm sure they have had their share as well. I don't drink much of it now but plenty at home do.

Hi Kingy, great to see you back! Just want to know, what are your thoughts on Josh Hunt? I think he is a good young player with great skills.-Joel

SK: You hit the nail on the head Joel. Josh has very good skills. It was a blow last season when he couldn’t play after round seven due to some leg problems. He was just establishing himself in the team and lost the majority of the season. Josh really took his chance in the Wizard Cup and has been a key player for us. He has been very consistent and when you watch him play he has the confidence and maturity of a veteran player.

Hey Kingy. I am the biggest Geelong fan ever and I have been for 10 years. I’m only 17. I’ve been a member for as long as I can remember. But what I wanted to ask you was if you went to Belmont High? My brother and sister went there years ago and I go there now. - Kristen Spangaro

SK: Kristen I did indeed go to Belmont High School. I was still at school when I was drafted and as I was living in Geelong I couldn’t continue at Shepparton High. I finished my schooling at Belmont.

Kingy, As much as I love ya work I got a question not really associated with you personally. I idol "moons" and I have been wondering all year, how exactly does he keep his hair back during a game? I have a similar problem with my hair. – Jace

SK: Moons certainly has a lot of fans this year. As his hair has gotten longer he has started wearing a headband to keep the hair in check.

I have seen that some teams have started treating a game in Geelong like an interstate trip. Do you treat games in Melbourne like a road trip? – Terry Mulholland

SK: It was interesting to see some teams talk like that. We want to make it as hard as possible to play at Skilled Stadium and so far we have been successful. While some teams have looked at a 45 minute drive as the same as a road game, we don’t look at Melbourne matches that way at all. If we did we’d have 14 ‘road’ games a season! A few of the boys stay up in Melbourne but for the most part we make the drive up the freeway like our supporters do. We don’t see games in Melbourne as anything like an interstate game. Now Sando has his pilots licence maybe he can fly us up so we don’t have to drive!

I saw last week you tipped the Czech Republic in Euro 2004 and now they are in the semi finals. Are you sticking with them? – Andrea Pechtl

SK: No reason to change my tip now. I think they’ll handle Greece tonight and go onto beat Portugal in the final. The Czech’s have won all of their games so far and have shown they are the form team of the tournament. Greece has had a good run but can’t see them holding the Czech firepower. Portugal has gotten better as the event has gone along and with the home crowd behind them will be favourites, but as we have seen the favourites have come unstuck throughout Euro 2004.