We know Canadian rugby convert Mike Pyke has speed over 100m, evidenced by his stunning try against the All Blacks at the rugby World Cup.

But the Swans’ coaching and fitness staff were particularly impressed today when Pyke stormed home fourth in a one km time trial.

“It was very pleasing to see Pykey push into top five in the time trial,’’ elite performance coach Rob Spurrs said. “He is a great athlete as demonstrated by his ability to run at this pace when he weighs in at 104kg.”

Pyke looks in peak condition, and is working hard to improve his understanding of the Australian game he took up only last year.

While Pyke was breathing down their necks, the usual suspects were at the front of the pack in today’s time trial. Rookie Nathan Gordon won, and took advantage of the absence of Ed Barlow, who beat him the last time the players were tested over this distance in December.

Barlow, who took part in training this morning but not in the time trial, will be eager to make a return after having a great battle with Gordon over the summer months.

“Gordon has been very consistent over the 1km and 3km runs we have scheduled, so it was another good performance from him today,” Spurrs said.

Second to Gordon was new recruit Ben McGlynn, third was the ever-competitive Brett Kirk, with Pyke fourth and Ted Richards fifth.

A number of players improved on their times from the last run, and leading the way in that regard was 205cm Jake Orreal, who took eight seconds off his previous time. Richards and Patty Veszpremi both cut their times by four seconds while Nick Malceski and Josh Kennedy both shaved three seconds from their previous times.

“It was a good run by Jake,” Spurrs added. “He had been struggling with the overall load of pre-season training but we freshened him up a bit last week, and it looks as though he has responded well.”

Not only did Kennedy improve on his time by three seconds, he also set a new personal best time. Martin Mattner, McGlynn, Shane Mumford and Irish recruit Chris McKaigue all took one second off their personal best times too.

The next test the players face is a shuttle over 300 metres, scheduled for next Monday.