Boxing one day, lawn bowls the next … our Hawks are very versatile as they get into the swing for the 2006 season.

Grandpa’s wardrobe was the theme and the Club’s social butterfly and organizer Michael Osborne and housemate Chance Bateman were certainly best on ground in the costume department, followed closely by new recruit Stephen Gilham.

But looks aren’t everything and despite having Ben Dixon, Victoria’s former U15 lawn bowls champion, and Captain Vandenberg, Ossie and Changer were in disappointing form on the day.

Victory went to four of our youngsters — Lewis, Roughead, Ladson and Ossie’s sparring partner Ries who defeated Matt Ball, Ben McGlynn and assistant coaches Ross Smith and Peter Burge.

Ossie said “Ball showed great form in the qualifying round with the forehand but choked in the final when confronted with the left handed Roughead bowling his signature inside out backhand.”

“Lewis bowled short all day and needs to work on his length.”

It is rumoured that Ladson mistook McGlynn for a bowl, rolled him and that’s the closest Benny got to the jack all day.

Well done boys!