Corporate Responsibility and Social Procurement

Supporting First Nations Businesses
The AFL are committed to ongoing leadership in the pursuit of reconciliation between First Nations peoples and the broader Australian community. Our commitment to reconciliation is a pledge to work in partnership with First Nations peoples to overcome racial inequality, which remains manifestly present across the breadth of our social, economic and political structures.

The AFL procurement team are consistently looking for new avenues to increase representation across our supply chain. Our focus is on developing and implementing an engagement plan and guiding principles for our internal and external stakeholders, to assist in effectively working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses at the elite and grassroots level as well as locally and on a national scale.

The AFL are also proud to partner with Supply Nation to support our community by providing a platform to facilitate additional engagement with First Nations suppliers and enhance our commitment to our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). View more about the AFL’s RAP.

Commitment to Addressing Modern Slavery
The AFL take their obligations to addressing the global modern slavery crisis very seriously. We are committed to ensuring that we are taking reasonable precautions at each level of our supply chain, to expose and reduce any modern slavery risk at a direct and indirect level. The AFL procurement and legal team work in collaboration to ensure compliance with our modern slavery obligations, and prioritise our social responsibility across all of our business operations.

The AFL procurement team administer Modern Slavery Questionnaires to our licensees and are working to develop multiple touch points at each 3rd party interaction to stop unethical and unsustainable business practices. To find out more about the AFL’s Modern Slavery Statement.

Promoting Sustainable Procurement Practices
The AFL are committed to reducing the direct environmental impacts under its control as well as promoting sustainability across all levels of our industry. The AFL procurement team work in collaboration with the AFL’s sustainability team, to ensure that the suppliers which we partner with share our core sustainability values, and will assist us in achieving our goal to pass our game on to future generations in a better shape than we found it.

We encourage an open and transparent forum on all things sustainability, and partner closely with our current suppliers to discuss how our individual strategies can become more holistically impactful. If you believe that you have any innovations that you would like to share with the AFL to assist us with achieving our core objectives, please reach out via